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Public Authorities

Here you can access the lists of Public Authorities (organised under their respective Ministry) and the contact details of the respective FOI Officer. (As at 1st June 2012)

Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)

Ministry for Gozo (MGOZ)

Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications (MITC)

Ministry for Resouces and Rural Affairs (MRRA)

Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE)

Minsitry of Finance, the Economy and Investment (MFEI)

Ministry for Home and Parliamentary Affairs (MHPA)

Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Commubnity Care (MHEC)

Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment (MTCE)

Ministry for Justice, Dialogue and the Family (MJDF)

Ministry for Fair Competition, Small Business and Consumers (MFCC)

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